For vegans who still hanker after cheese...
Vegan and vegetarian diets are all the rage – will the boom continue? What’s more, a new robot is giving us a «hand» in Langnau, saving us 20 minutes of difficult manual work…

Go vegan!
Will the boom continue?
Yes – it is the fastest growing lifestyle movement ever!
Around 75 million people in Europe are said to be eating a meat-free or vegan diet. According to a study by Swissveg, this figure is around 14 percent in Switzerland. Interest in vegan products is therefore also growing in Switzerland. The vegan trend is strongest in England. According to a study by Compare the Market, the number of vegans in the UK has increased by 700 percent in recent years!
Retailers are therefore continually expanding their range of plant-based products. More and more people primarily want to either reduce or completely stop their consumption of meat, and are turning to plant-based alternatives. According to a study by VeganLife, Europeans do not want to completely do without cheese, or something like it, which means that the vegan cheese alternative is also booming at Emmi. Here in Langnau, we are constantly expanding our vegan range. Would you like to find out more? Contact us!

Planned and built by us!
One requirement in implementing the palletising centre was to automate this area. The aim was for the reusable containers to be delivered automatically for at least 20 minutes without any input from the personnel.
We discussed various solutions within the project team. However, it soon became clear that the requirements can only be satisfactorily fulfilled by robots.
The control mechanism of the palletising cell with extraction station was planned and built by our technical staff. This includes not only the setup of the control system but also the programming of the robot, communication with the «Schubert system» and the palletising centre, as well as the integration of the safety devices.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the successful implementation of this project.